An “expatriate” is a citizen of a country not belonging to the European Union, while the citizens of member countries are considered in the same ways as Italians for the purposes of self-employed work and for setting up a new business. All those of nationalities outside member countries of the EU must possess a Permesso di Soggiorno (residence permit). The procedures for obtaining the residence permit can be conducted rapidly thanks to the creation of the Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione.
In addition, a Business Desk (Sportello per le Ditte accreditate), at the Immigration Office of the Turin Questura deals separately and exclusively with the problems that companies have to face when employing workers from countries outside the EU. The most frequent problems concern the following cases:
• employment of non-EU staff, already employed by the company in a non-EU country, by a company (or multinational) already operational in our region;
• employment of non-EU staff without an employment contract with either the foreign company operating in Piedmont or with its foreign branches;
• opening of a subsidiary or local unit by a non-EU company, whose legal representative is a non-EU citizen;
• opening of a company in Piedmont by non-EU foreign citizens.
Anyone who obtains a Permesso di Soggiorno issued for self-employed work or as an employee may apply for registration in the various professional and company registers even if reciprocal relations do not exist. Foreign citizens may establish partnerships or stock companies in Italy. However, the legal representatives of companies, if resident in Italy, must possess a Permesso di Soggiorno issued for self-employed work or as an employee. In this case, the conditions of reciprocity do not need to be verified.
Foreign companies (incorporated in a non-EU country) that intend to operate in Italy through the establishment of a local branch will be subject to verification of the conditions of reciprocity. The creation of a subsidiary, and thus a new company, entails the observance of all the procedures required to set up a new company under Italian law.
We will be pleased to provide full support to help you reach your goal.
• The recruitment and selection of personnel and/or database acquisition.
• Processing of wages and welfare contributions, legal assistance in labour disputes, the drawing up of labour cost estimates and statements, trade union bargaining, relations with social security and welfare agencies.
• Preparation of company accident prevention and workplace hygiene plans.
• Consulting for management staff on their respective situation in Italy.
• Payroll split.
• Pensions and contibutions.
• Industrial pension plans and employee profit-sharing schemes.